Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Expedition Team -- Reactions (Macchu Picchu)

Counted the stairs, calculating 8,593,063,056,271,234,958 steps. After comparing this with the actual number, he concluded that somewhere his math had gone wrong. He is now wondering how he was able to count that high.

Sharki E. Thrash
Moved by the flowers and plants, decided to abstain from 'eating green'. Left with slim choices, a munching sound was heard in my backpack. While fumbling through its contents, Sharkie was found inside a cookie bag. He’s decided to try eating processed foods made of artificial ingredients.

Ninja Turtle
Was meditating in a vortex of Macchu Picchu. While there, he had a telepathic conversation with his Mentor, a rat named Splinter.

has fans and spent her entire time signing autographs. From the ladies at Hostels and Hotels who tuck her in with chocolate, the front desk personnelle who ask how she's doing, the ladies who ask what shop they can buy her sibling at, the Jungle Guide who wanted to carry her, to the people who tell her “que preciouso”, the people who give thumbs ups and smile when her photo is being taken... She says thank You, but doesn't let good nor bad comments sway her.
– her signature looks like this:

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